Years ago Keith and I took our toddler and baby out to eat. The waitress oohed and ahed over our kids then saucily commented, "Well, you've got your girl and a boy. Now I expect you can give it a rest."
We nodded good-naturedly, not offended, though amazed that a total stranger would offer unsolicited family planning advice.
Before marriage, we'd wanted five children. After having one, we couldn't figure out why people had second children. When we had our girl and boy we seriously contemplated "giving it a rest."
Turns out it was a short rest.
I got pregnant when Andrew was only 12 months old. Not good news. I didn't want kids that close together. I couldn't think of one person I knew with three kids that wasn't scattered.
Keith's parents were not happy. I was not happy. From there I went to frustrated, discouraged, and depressed. Add pregnancy-induced exhaustion and hormones and life wasn't much fun.
The turning point came at the six month mark when an older lady at church picked up on my ambivalence and said, "Oh honey, two kids take up all your time. Three can't take up any more."
That made so much sense to my logical, linear mind that I decided to suck it up, quit complaining and feeling sorry for myself, and trust that God knew what He was doing.
I was blessed with an easy pregnancy, an easy delivery, and a good baby. After a short (for me) four hour labor, we welcomed our first brown-eyed daughter into the world.
I looked at my sweet baby and thought, "How could I have ever not wanted this child?" It was love at first sight and I was smitten, and overwhelmingly thankful for the gift I hadn't been smart enough to know I wanted.
We named her Kiah Marie as Marie is Keith's Mom's name. Since Kiah (rhymes with Leah) was born on the first day of fall that year and we had just moved into a new (to us) house and Keith had started a new job, Keith said he wanted a hopeful name. The baby name book said, "Kiah" means "Season's beginning."
We celebrated Kiah's 21rst birthday last Monday. Again, thankful that we didn't "give it a rest." Thankful for a healthy daughter and the privilege of being her parents. Thankful that she's growing up into a wonderful person and we're very proud of her. Thankful that she's a hard worker, a good student, and a good big sister. Thankful that she has a heart for God and wants to live for Him. So thankful my life is the hands of One who knows all things and when life doesn't go as planned, I don't have to panic or despair. He knows the future and He's promised to see me through.
(Kiah is in black and yellow)

We're into our busy Birthday month - the crew pictured above has one birthday a week for four weeks. Two down, two to go.