Friday, March 25, 2011

Signs of Spring

 Winter is slowly releasing it's grip on the Northland

Lake Superior by Cornucopia, Wisconsin

Photos courtesy of Christina, The Camera Queen

The first day of spring is one thing, and the first spring day is another.  
The difference between them is sometimes as great as a month.  
~ Henry Van Dyke ~


  1. I would say Henry's quote sure works for us around here!

  2. Hello Angie,
    My husband was sharing with me that it would be fun to meet you too. We would visit your church when we head North :)! We both had the same idea. Meeting at Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center would be fun.

  3. I love your quote! We are receiving around round of Spring snow. We cannot wait for more Spring days and I will send them your way if we get one soon!

  4. Love that quote. True that!

    We're still sitting in a blanket of snow. I assume you are too, seeing as you're further north of here. I'm like...C'mon God!
