Monday, October 10, 2011

Kids These Days

Give them free reign with their birthday party 
and they make rainbow cupcake/cakes.


 Take a good look folks,
 as this is an original you won't see anywhere else. 

While waiting for a few guests to arrive Amy, Lani, and two friends dug through the dress-up clothes and went out in broad daylight dressed as a Mother (Amy), a Daughter (Lani), a Grandma in her nightgown,

and a high school graduate.


I don't know how to break it to them but Grandmas don't ride bikes in their nightgowns. Pajama pants maybe, but not nightgowns. 

They rollerbladed, 

Yes, I know this is blurry.
 Danced with the dog, 

Took silly pictures

And cool pictures. 

A good time was had by all 
and I'm thankful to be done with birthdays for awhile. 


  1. I think that looks like a silly blast! Girls have so much fun.

    Hope all is well.



  2. Love the fun cupcakes, and I always love a great costume!

  3. Digital photography makes for fun times!

  4. Wow, it looks like fun at your house! I think it's great to give them free reign in the kitchen (within limits) and I'm trying to be better about that with mine, who are a bit younger, but just the same...

  5. Fun Cupcakes. Great Party ideas! Do the neighbors ever wonder??? If your are okay??? I am just kidding. :-) I know our neighbors have enjoyed some good laughs. Between what the boys come up with and some of things I have done. One time I was out in my PJ's and my husband shoes, chasing our pet rabbit Rex, with a fish net! Yes, it was a sight.

  6. "Grandma's don't ride bikes in nightgowns" haha! I love it!

    That birthday cake looks amazing! What a fabulous idea. Much more fun than a regular cake. Happy Birthday to the birthday girl!

  7. How fun!! I love the rainbow birthday cake/s!! And it looks like they've got the makings of some great Halloween costumes! :-)

  8. Jealous! Looks like they had a blast!
