Monday, October 5, 2009

Answered Prayers

I wanted to marry a man named Joshua, but married a man named Keith.

I wanted three girls and two boys, but got six girls and one son.

I wanted to be a park ranger, but was a teacher, then a wife, then a Mom.

I wanted to travel in America, but we were given a trip to Turkey and Greece.

I found two girls for my twenty-year-old son to choose from. He chose his own.

I would have been content to live in Colorado all our married life, but we have lived in Oregon, Iowa, and now Wisconsin.

I asked God to help our church in Iowa get healthy. Instead he took us to a thriving, healthy one in Wisconsin.

I wanted to live in a one-level ranch house on the outskirts of the smaller town of Washburn, instead we live in a big old two-story house by Main Street in the bigger city of Ashland.

Time after time, I prayed for this and God gave me that.

I prayed over the years, believing God answers prayers in one of three ways: Yes, No, and Wait. Sometimes he gives me what I need and want, sometimes He doesn’t.

Sometimes my prayers aren’t really asking for God’s will. They are veiled requests for God to bless MY choices.

I never like to hear no. I’m just like my kids that way. And like my kids, I always want to know, “Why?” or “Why not?”

I look back on some things I wanted in the past, immensely relieved that God didn’t answer those prayers. Hindsight shows the glaring obvious reasons God didn’t give me what I asked for.

But other times He gives things I didn’t know enough to ask for.
Like with the list above, even though I hadn’t asked for wrong things, God still said, “No.” Only this time, it was “No, because I have something better.”

God knows everything from beginning to end. He knew and loved me before I was born. He always has a reason for whatever He does or doesn’t do. He knows the big picture and how my story ends.

He is not capricious or random. He is all-powerful, all-knowing, good, loving, kind, just, merciful, righteous, holy, trustworthy, and wise. And in the midst of accomplishing His purposes and holding the universe together He takes time to lead and guide and answer my prayers.

While the following is easier said than done, that leaves me:

Seeking God’s will and His glory.

Trusting in His character, in His love, in His timing, and in His reasons.

And knowing sometimes God says yes, sometimes He says no, sometimes He says wait, and sometimes He says no, because He has something better.

Oh, for grace to trust Him more.


  1. JUST what I needed to hear this morning, Angie! Thank you so much - beautiful post!

  2. Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers.

  3. This is a wonderful post. I too have looked back at past prayers and thought how lucky I am that some of them were not answered or answered in another way. great post.

  4. Boy do I hear that! I prayed for my son to find a new wife so his kids would have a good mom, instead God brought our x-daughter in law back into the kids life, and now they have a good mom. Isn't it funny the way God works?

    You're invited to join me:

    for some laughs and 'God' times

  5. this is a wonderful post. God is good!

  6. Just had to come back...I live in Wisconsin too! Between Green Bay and Milwaukee. I hear Ashland is beautiful. I hear you about Colorado, I asked God if I could live there too, but apparently He said no to that. I've been trying to get out of here my whole life. Oh well, God is good and I'm trusting there's a reason I'm in this cage, lol.

  7. Great post as usual, Angie.
    About the comment you wrote on my older post..Yes, I can relate so well. I secretly love it when Tom takes all the kids to the park. I do not get lonely. I could fill up a week of being on my own!
    But interestingly enough, I re-read that post on that very thing about me and how I hoped God would do a miracle and change my love for alone time to a love for investing in them. Not that we don't invest all day. You and I do. But the strange thing is, I think He has been changing my heart some in this area. I even forgot that I prayed that. Strange that it took you to take me back there to find it out, but nice that I get to see that He is hearing and working out stuff without my help!

    Sometimes I don't even know what I need, as you basically wrote in your last post.

    I still pray daily about that little thing we've discussed. Let me know just a glimpse when you can. No answers, just wondering what she thinks about it, and what you and Keith think. If it seems a possibility, sometime in the future, then I can picture where and how that would look. Take care, your friend Pam

  8. Thank you for this post... it was perfect timing for me, even though you wrote it a long time ago. :)
