Friday, November 13, 2009

About Us

Saw this on Amy's blog, Just Add Walter,
and wanted to play along .

1. What are your middle names?
Mine is Louise (ick, Sorry Mom) and Keith's is Linn

2. How long have you been together?
We started dating in 1982, married in 1984. 27 years total.

3. How long did you know each other before you started dating?
A year and a half. We were good friends before that.

4. Who asked who out?
He did after I wormed out of him who he was interested in.

5. How old are each of you?
I'm 50 and Keith is 51

6. Did you go to the same school?
Yes, we met my sophomore and his freshman year at Western Bible College in Morrison (a suburb of Denver), Colorado.

7. Are you from the same home town?
Nope. I am from Sebastopol, CA and he is from Rock Rapids, IA

8. Who is the smartest?
Keith is. He's a whiz at understanding spiritual things, history, and geography. He's really good at fixing things.

9. Who majored in what?
I have a BA in Bible and Elementary Education. Keith has a Bible and Missions degree, and a Masters of Exegetical Theology.

10. Who is the most sensitive?
Keith. He is way more emotional.

11. Where is the furthest you have traveled as a couple?
Turkey and Greece in 2005

12. Who has the worst temper?
I've had my moments, but Keith has a worse temper. Sort of goes along with question #10.

13. How many children do you want?
I wanted 5. We have 7

14. Who does the cooking?
Mostly me, sometimes my daughters. Keith likes his spaghetti sauce better so prefers to cook our Italian food.

15. Who is more social?
Keith is an extrovert and usually at home in social settings. I am an introvert and prefer small groups or one on one.

16. Who is the neat freak?
Overall, Keith is neater. However he's really good at straightening things up so it looks clean. I'm much better at actually cleaning. We could spend the same amount of time cleaning and his room will look clean, while mine will have been dusted, swept, vacuumed, sorted, etc.

17. Who is the most stubborn?
We are both equally stubborn.

18. Who wakes up earlier?
He's an early bird and I'm a night owl. To meet in the middle, I stay up as late I want on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. On Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday I go to bed when he does.

19. Where was your first date?
College gym night at the YMCA and Dennys afterwards.

20. Who has the bigger family?
Me. 2 younger sisters and one brother. He has more cousins.

21. Do you get flowers often?
Nope. I like flowers but I'm practical and would rather Keith not spend money on something that is dead and will only last a few days. I do like getting flowers I can plant outside and enjoy for the growing season. It's always a treat to get a new perennial.

22. How do you spend the holidays?
Always with Keith's family. My family lives on the west coast.

23. How long did it take to get serious?
He broke up with me after dating eight months. After a month apart, he missed me and asked to get back together with the understanding that we might be heading towards marriage.

24. Who eats more?

25. What do you do for a living?
I'm a stay-at-home Mom and Keith is a Pastor.

26. Who does the laundry?
We both do. Laundry generated lots of arguments in our younger years. He didn't understand why I couldn't get it all done. After four years of laundry arguments, he stomped out of the house and came back with a nice laundry basket. He began to help more. Smart guy, he worked himself out of a job by buying all our kids their own laundry baskets and teaching them how to do their own laundry.

27. Who's better with the computer?
Me. We got our first computer in 1989. Love at first sight.

28. Who drives when you are together?
Usually Keith. Sometimes he asks me to drive so he can read.

29. What is your song?
I like "Still The One" by Orleans.


  1. Oh, that was fun!

    We just taught our boys (10 & 13) to do their own laundry!

    I'd love to hear about the ministry where you are. It's sort of a hobby for us to go around to see different churches. (I know... weird)

    Have a blessed day!


  2. This was really cool. I might have to try it. It was great getting to know you better. It sounds like you two are a lot like my hubby and me.

    How did you end up in Wisconsin when your hometowns are so far away?

  3. So Mom is doesn't sound like you and Dad have a lot of the same interests...seems like opposites can attract, as long as you have the important things in common.

  4. thanks so much for doing this... I loved learning more about you two!!

  5. That was really fun! I should try it!
