Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Undeserved Mercy

So I was crabby Saturday afternoon.

I was irritated because the dogs shed (they do on other days, but if I'm not in a crabby mood it doesn't bother me), the girls don't hang up their wet towels, the cats keep knocking bottom ornaments off the Christmas tree, the plates didn't get clean in the dishwasher, I ran out of stamps, there's too much to do and not enough time to do it, my 70-year-old Mom was hospitalized for a respiratory infection, no one wants to walk the dogs beside me, and Tucker doesn't cooperate when I do walk him. I could keep going but you get the picture.

Some days everything bothers me. So I did what any frustrated woman would do: crabbed at Erica and Anna, the only people who were home. They were only guilty of not cleaning their rooms, not hanging up towels, and not wanting to walk the dog. But they got the full brunt of all my frustrations.

They left to run errands and I stomped out of the house to walk the dogs. By myself. Again. Hmmf!

When I got home, this was on the counter.

A & W. My favorite. I'm not a pop drinker, but for some reason, I like root beer. Why would the girls be nice to me? I had been the one to blow it. I should be making amends, not them.

I asked why they did that. Erica smiled and said, "Because we love you."

I was immediately humbled. I am so not worthy. I don't want to take my frustrations out on my children. By my age, I should know better. I don't want to be crabby. I want to take things in stride, dog hair and all. I don't want to be tiptoed around or humored.

So we hugged. And I apologized. And drank the root beer. And thanked God for the beauty of forgiveness. Not only does He forgive me, but my girls do too.

So Lord willing, with His help, we all hope tomorrow is a better day.


  1. His mercy never fails! Thanks for visiting my blog!

  2. When I get crabby, I'm gonna vent on Erica and Anna. I like Dr. Pepper. And I like milk duds. Oh, and if they really want to make proper amends, they can take me out to a movie! LOL! ps. glad you're real. We like you anyway.

  3. I have an Anna too!! (reading a few posts below I noticed)
    Great pictures of your family!


  4. Bless their precious hearts! The blessings of girls...

    I NEED one! At least ONE! Don't you think?


  5. Thanks for being real. We all have days like that. Aren't you glad your kids know the real you? And they love you anyway...lol. Talking about myself here.

  6. Lily writes me sweet notes when I have bad days like that!

  7. Wow what a great post. Thanks for sharing.

    But oh gross, root beer haha!

  8. Oh my goodness, crabby and all you are doing a great job as Mom. Your children are testaments to that! What amazing kids.

  9. Beautiful! They shall rise up and call you blessed...crabby...but blessed:)
