Saturday, February 6, 2010

Anna's Prize

Mom: Hey, Anna. I want to take a picture of you with your prize for cleaning up dog puke without being asked. (Click here and here for background history)
Anna: Camera's out of batteries.

One week later.
Mom: Anna, can I take your picture?
Anna: Not now, I need to take a shower.

Two weeks later:
Mom: Now?
Anna: Camera's out of batteries again.

Three weeks later:
Mom: Anna!!!
Anna: Braid my hair first.
Mom: Could you change your shirt so it matches the prize?
Anna: You're kidding.
Mom: Nope. Fact, while you're at it, move to the left so we don't get the lamp shade in the background.
Anna: Hurry up. I think the batteries are almost dead.

Okay. We've finally got our ducks in a row.

For doing the dirty deed, I gave Anna, Piece de Resistance, a book she'd been wanting.

She really likes Sandra Byrd's christian fiction French Twist Series. She'd read Books 1 and 2 and had to wait a WHOLE YEAR for #3. It's a fun series about a lady who learns how to be a French baker and pastry chef. The series makes you want to run to the nearest French bakery and eat something decadent. You'll never want a Wal-Mart donut again.

Book #1
Let Them Eat Cake

Book #2
Bon Appetit

Thanks Anna for your servant's heart. If you can clean up dog puke, you are well on your way to acquiring essential motherhood skills.

Happy Reading!


  1. Cool! I know, don't you detest those cameras that they make out of the country...that eat batteries. Ugg!

  2. She is a beautiful girl, inside and out.



  3. A well earned prize!
    And I'm SO glad that they match!

  4. Brava Anna!! Good job on 'doing the deed'...

    Thank you also for allowing Mom to photograph you!
