Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Do I Know My Husband or What?

A sweet eight-year-old girl from across the street stopped by and asked if I wanted to buy Girl Scout Cookies.

I told her, "No, I don't, but I know who does. If you ask Mr. Vik, I guarantee he'll buy some. In fact, I'll show you the ones he'll choose. He'll want the Shortbread. He'll order two boxes but you tell him that his wife said he could only order one."

She raised her eyebrows, "O-kay."

When Keith came downstairs, she popped the question and sure enough, he ordered Shortbread. (Third in the bottom row)

The little girl informed him, "Your wife said you could only order one box."

"She did, did she?" Keith huffed. "I'll take two."

The girl smiled at me and I winked back. He's so predictable.

(My favorites are Samoas. What's yours?)


  1. We ARE kindred spirits! When and if we ever meet, I think we should have a tea party F0R GIRLS ONLY with Samoas!

  2. I can't eat any of them any more due to my dairy allergies but my favorites were always the samoas...even when they used to be called caramel delights :)

  3. Only Thin Mints for me! My husband has bought cookies from at least 3 different girls! (that I know of)

  4. Love me some samoas!!!! They rock...
