Wednesday, November 24, 2010

We Gather Together

Made it safe and sound to my son's house for Thanksgiving. So far we've played volleyball and Catch Phrase, Farkle, watched a chick flick, eaten yummy food, wrestled, laughed, giggled, and argued. It's fun to be together and see Andrew and Rachel in their own home. Just waiting for Christina to arrive this afternoon and hoping the icky weather doesn't put a kink in those plans.

 I'm passing along a good recipe we got from Keith's sister, whom we affectionately refer to as, "Aunt Fun."

How To Be a Good Neighbor

1 tongues that does not slandder
2 ears closed to gossip
2 hands willing to help others
1 dash of sunny disposition
1 dash of cheerfulness
2 eyes that overlook other's faults
1 heart, generous and kind
1 mind, free of intolerance
1 dash of wit
1 dash of smiles

Blend all together. Form into one being and serve generous  portions daily to everyone you meet.

Thought this recipe would be welcome at any Thanksgiving Feast.

Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving.


  1. Hope you have a blessed season!



  2. Hehehe!!! We played Catchphrase for the first time while visiting dear Son at Thanksgiving too!!!
