Monday, December 20, 2010

Monday Mugs - Winter

I'm enjoying today's Monday Mugs' topic as Winter is my new favorite season. 

See I grew up in Northern California where winter was just winter. Lots of rain and what I thought at the time was cold. Snow was a rare treat happening once every eight years and treated like an important holiday. 

I was properly introduced to snow in Colorado when I went to college. Living on campus, being young, with no snow shoveling responsibilities, and friends to play in the snow with, winter was FUN.

Then I grew up, had babies, and then a few more babies, and moved to Iowa where winter meant business. Blizzards, drifting snow, freezing rain, icy roads, and nasty wind chills.

 Winter is cold

and long

 and people suck it up and endure it

 Then we moved to Northern Wisconsin 
where people embrace winter. So we
bought snow clothes and ski passes

and learned to ski and snowboard

 And to go sledding

 and wipe out

 and have fun with friends

 and ice skate and play hockey

 and walk on frozen Lake Superior
 and get rosy cheeks

 and take pictures in April 
by thawing Lake Superior

So far this year only our youngest two have done much playing in the snow. But Christmas break starts Thursday and the ski hill is open and calling our name. 

To view other winter pictures go to Oswald Cuties. Our winter is the yin to Heather's yang. 


  1. I am so excited that we finally got some snow! We played for hours this weekend. I especially love the photo of the electric meter. Brr!!!!

  2. I love all the seasons!! That is why I could never live where it didn't snow!! I love to play outside in it:)

  3. I used to dread the Wisconsin winters, but lately I'm loving it! It's so dang pretty out there. Thanking God for the snow!
    Have a blessed CHRISTmas, my dear friend!

  4. Awww, I really miss the snow! That Wipe-Out picture gives me the chills! I know you posted about it before but I can't remember if anyone was injured!
    Thanks for linking up and have a Very Merry Christmas!

  5. Growing up in Michigan and living for a short time in the UP, I was taken back to my childhood seeing your family embracing winter. This is a great post!

    Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and all of your family:)

  6. I love that you have learned to embrace Winter! You're absolutely right that here in the lower Midwest, we just endure it. It's just so stinking cold!! :-)

    Merry Christmas to you, my friend, and your lovely family. It is such a blessing to "know" you!

  7. Great winter pictures! I would love to have snow rather than just the cold. I am dreamig of a white Chirstmas but one flurries so far.

    Have a Merry Christmas!
