Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Recipe for Fun

Take two Minnesotans

Kiah with her purple hair and her boyfriend Mark who sleeps with a fan and talks in his sleep

Add four Iowa State Students

Christina, the Camera Queen, Ruth, her cheerful sidekick, Matt from Australia who introduced new words to our vocabulary like "pushie" (bicycle), "sunnys" (sunglasses), and "biscuits" (cookies) and shared his chocolate Easter Bilby with us, and Robin from Germany who gave us a six month supply of candy from Finland

Stir and mix well.

Then add a smitten son

Andrew, whose feet stink, and Rachel, who instigated and won a spitting off the dock contest

Combine with four hyper sisters, two aging parents, two dogs, good food, late nights, and silly songs.

Sprinkle with Dipped Oreos

Bake for one Easter Weekend in Ashland, Wisconsin

Yield: One Happy Bunch


  1. Good for you...although I was waiting for the partridge in a pare tree! Aren't you glad you live in a huge two story instead of little ranch? I knew you would be:)
    Your quirkiest friend anywhere,

  2. Hi, Angie...I am Rachel's mom. Andrew shared your blog with me & I absolutely love it! I like the Easter 'recipe' and while I wish that my daughter had been more lady-like (i.e the spitting off the dock contest), I am not surprised as it fits in with our family fun as well. I read Erica's story & my stomach fell when she said they almost rear-ended a car! I already told Andrew that he needs to keep his eyes on the road and gaze at Rachel once they have stopped. :-) I have enjoyed meeting Andrew and Erica. They are wonderful kids, which I am sure is a reflection of their parents and our Heavenly Father! Cindy
