Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Where's Waldo?

It's probably one of those things where you had to be there to think this is funny.

We invited a good friend over for dinner. While waiting for dinner to get ready, he took Christina, Amy, and Lani outside to play in the snow. Great fun, except the girls had snow clothes on and he didn't, so his clothes got a little wet. 

I offered some of Keith's clothes while we put his clothes in the dryer. I gave him a choice of Keith's red sweats or jeans. He chose the red sweats. I gave him the choice of a dark blue long sleeved T-shirt or a striped Rugby shirt. He chose the Rugby shirt.

I just want to make sure it's clear we did not force him to wear these clothes.

Christina took one look and said, "Where's Waldo?"

The comments flew fast and furious:
      "You're a candy cane."
      "An escaped convict from the North Pole."
      "A tall elf."
      "Big Mike from The Blind Side."

When Kiah got home from work we waited to see her reaction.

She stopped in her tracks and said, "Oh my goodness."

I said, "We got him a new outfit for his birthday."

Kiah looked at me incredulously, "You've got to be kidding." Which considering her shirt was a little like the pot calling the kettle black.

When Erica and Anna came home we elected to wait and see what they would say.

Erica smirked and said, "Where's Waldo?"

I lied explained that we had given him the outfit for his birthday. To which she could think of nothing more intelligent than, "Wow."

It's hard to keep a straight face when someone looks like a barber pole. 

Things disintegrated from there.

They pretended to be kids listening to Amy read a Christmas story. 

Lani tried taking a self-portrait, forgot that red eye flashes twice, and temporarily blinded herself. 

Erica and Anna modeled their new socks

The girls get a kick out of how big "Waldo's" feet are.  He maintains guys have to check their ego at our door when they come over because my girls will rip it to shreds. 

Erica tried on Waldo's boots and was amazed at how big and heavy they are. 

After a rousing game of Dutch Blitz he changed back into his regular clothes and went home. Erica, not realizing we had been teasing her, asked why he didn't take the clothes we had given him for his birthday home with him. 

The moral of the story is to always keep a spare change of clothes in your car or pick your friends more carefully.  I mean, what kind of people dress their friends up like a candy cane and then blog about it?


  1. Oh my gosh! I am crying from laughing so hard! The icing on the cake is that you blogged about it! LOL
    And, um, are you wearing a coat in the house?

  2. Not coming there!!! Just kidding. I will definitely bring spare clothes for myself when we visit you! That is so hilarious. Poor guy. You should have watched the Elf movie!
    Love it. Now maybe Keith can extend it one further and do a sermon about it with visuals! (Here's a thought...I wonder when your husband will wear those particular clothes again?)

  3. This is hilarious! Not to mention the fact that I swear I had socks just like those in the 80's. Love the "outfit" heehee.

  4. That is awesome! I think the best was Kiah in her black and white striped shirt thinking the red and white was awful! How fun! I love that you all can laugh at anything!!

  5. Oh my goodness... that sounds like something our family would do. And I would definitely blog about it! I love that you all good-naturedly tease each other.

  6. Heather,
    Yes, I'm wearing a light jacket inside the house. I'm usually cold and layers help with staying warm. Although I'm thankful when an occasional hot flash warms me up.

    Keith doesn't wear those clothes together. He usually wears the shirt with jeans and on him it looks okay.

  7. This is good stuff! I have an extended family who would do the same thing to their guests (my dad had five brothers and six sisters well schooled in pranks and jokes). I'm surprised they didn't say "I FOUND Waldo!"
