Hi~So glad to be over here at Messy Cars and Muddy Shoes. Angie and I have been friends for 8 years and have lots in common: lots of kids, husbands that are pastors, a passion for God, scrapbooking, writing, reading, and photography.
This is my last
Think Quotes It's Friday post as guest blogger for Angie. Again I used a photo of the Pacific ocean as I cannot think of the west coast without thinking of Angie...one of the few people I know who have grown up there. If you would like to link up with Think Quotes Its Friday just find a photo, add a quote, and link your blog to mine @
TQIF. Hope to see you there.
Tuning my ears to hear His voice wherever He chooses to reveal Himself as I live, love, and laugh,
Nice post! I hear many people see how they find God in the trees and in the river, but that's just the evidence of God. You are right that we find Him in Jesus, through His Word. That's a great quotation. I'll have to write it down. :-)