9:00 am - Breakfast with Keith, Andrew and Rachel (who are visiting for a few days) at a nearby restaurant. Pleasant conversation. Reconnecting. Getting to know Rachel better.
12:00 pm - Fix lunch for the family. Andrew doesn't like tuna so I fix something else for him. Referee a few disputes. Clean up.
1:30 - Talk with a depressed daughter. Take her grocery shopping. Ask, "Is there anything in Wal-mart within reason that will make you feel better?" She decides a bag of fresh snow peas should do the trick.
All day - Clean house for Christina's college graduation party tonight. Cook food. Referee more disputes.
5:00 pm - Check in on husband who decides today is a good day to get stomach flu.
7:00 pm - Welcome 18 guests for dinner.
10:00 pm - ice youngest daughters swollen hand
12:00 am - Heart to heart talk with Erica on the front porch. Thank God for the gift of her sharing thoughts and feelings. We pray and my heart overflows.
1:00 am. - Finally finished washing dishes from the party.
1:45 am - Depressed daughter vents for a few more minutes before going to bed.
2:00 am - inspired to write a blog post.
All in a day's work.
I have the best job ever and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Being a mother means long days, squeaky wheels to grease, and talking to the wind. But nothing I've ever done has been as fulfilling and rewarding as raising my children and seeing them learn and grow. They're all so unique and amazing and I'm blessed to have them in my life.
I need to get off the computer and get to bed. After all, tomorrow is another day.